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Families & Children

Children are a sacred presence in our congregation. Learn more about programming!

"Find peace, hope, and joy in a sustainable and vibrant

community committed to serving others."

Ministries & Committees

A cornerstone of our mission at St. Paul’s is to nurture ministries that serve our community.

Whether it's serving the hungry, visiting the sick, caring for the environment, sharing books in our Little Free Library, preparing the sanctuary for worship, or singing in the choir, there are countless ways to minister to others within our church and community. We invite you to join us and share your unique gifts.

  • Whether you are interested in singing or playing an instrument, explore how you can praise God with music ministry.

  • Youth are the future of the church. We give them a space to learn about God's love and ministry.

  • We welcome all, and so does God. If you are passionate about reaching our LGBTQ+ friends, this is the place.

  • We want to make sure services are radically hospitable. Our ushers show the way.

  • We all need someone to pray with us or for us. Our pastoral care team have empathy and compassion for our greatest needs.

  • Reaching out to a world in need, this ministry focuses on those that need support, serving our neighbors as ourselves.

  • Connecting to God through nature, this ministry goes outside to reflect and find spiritual connection.

  • Our youth offer their skills to acolyte in worship services, with gentle guidance and praise.

  • We are abolitionists. With education and opportunity, our team offers ways to avoid modern day forms of slavery.

  • Lay Readers and Servers read from the Bible, offer prayers, and assist in serving the Eucharist.

  • A kind and hearty welcome is important, and these volunteers make sure our guests have everything they need.

  • Preparing the table of the Lord is sacred and beautiful. We take care in readying the altar and sanctuary for services.

  • The beautiful flowers add to the color, depth and grace of God's love that we feel in the sanctuary each week.

  • Books are stocked each week so that those in the community may share and learn of God's love.

  • This team makes sure that those that are home-bound can still participate in church services through online video.

  • Coffee hour is essential, and food is love. These folks make sure all the goods are organized for events every week.

  • Our large campus needs a lot of care and attention. This team makes sure it functions and looks its best.

  • This group of men gather weekly in fellowship and help organize and prepare food for events.

  • To know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world.

  • Keeping our grounds safe and secure, this team is responsible for locking up after services and events.

  • A church mini-HR department, supporting those that work and volunteer at St. Paul's.

  • Our elected governing leadership of the church, representing all congregants, make important decisions for the welfare of the church.

  • Where your treasure is, there your heart is also. This team assists with finances of the church requiring detailed attention and upkeep.

  • Our congregants with green thumbs make sure that our roses are in tip top shape so we all can take time to smell them!

  • V - This is one of the treasure hunt letters! =)


According to the Book of Common Prayer, all members of the Church are called to serve as ministers. As lay ministers, we strive to represent Christ and His Church, sharing our faith wherever we go and using our gifts to promote reconciliation in the world. We are committed to embodying Jesus' teachings of compassion and respect for the dignity of every human being. Through our words and actions, we seek to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.


From our weekly service, to hosting meetings and Bible studies, we have a lot going on. We hope you will join in one of our many activities.