Find Peace, Hope, and Joy at St. Paul's Ventura.

Our relationship with God can happen anywhere, but there is nowhere quite so special as the sacred space in which others join you in prayer.

Our services are every Sunday at 10:15 AM.

Our address is 3290 Loma Vista Ventura, CA 93003

Join us for Choral Eucharist. We have inspiring scripture, beautiful music, and an uplifting message. In person, both bread and wine are offered. For online worshippers, we offer a special prayer for spiritual communion.

Holy Week & Easter Services!

Palm Sunday - April 13, 10 am

We gather on the lower patio next to the fountain, to bless the palms. Together, we process out to the street, singing “Hosanna in the Highest!” - just as the followers of Jesus did when they greeted him in Jerusalem. Inside the church, the children offer s song, we read the “Passion”, reliving the story of Jesus’s trial and death, with members of the congregation taking part in the reading. The Passion invites us to hold space for reflection and patience as we anticipate the joy of Easter!

Good Friday - April 18, 12 noon

To fully experience Holy Week is to journey through both its darkest moments and its brightest triumphs. Yet, it is in the darkness where we discover meaning, connection, empathy, and a deeper understanding of Christ’s love.

During this brief but solemn service, we reflect on Christ’s suffering, death, and his journey to the cross. We confront our own sin, embrace humility, and hold on to the hope of a brighter tomorrow—a promise God has made for all of us.

Maundy Thursday - April 17, 7 pm

This is one of the most moving services of the year, where we experience the act of service just as Jesus did—by washing the feet of our siblings and allowing them to wash ours. Join us in embracing vulnerability, humility, and the gentle act of giving and receiving love.

We hear Jesus’s new and final commandment to love one another. Then, we witness the 'Stripping of the Altar,' where everything sacred is removed, furniture is overturned, and light is veiled in darkness—symbolizing the shadow cast by Jesus’s trial and death.

Together, we chant: 'Stay with me, remain here with me, watch and pray'—a haunting reminder of the night of waiting and sorrow.

Easter - April 20, 10:15 am

In stark contrast to the somber services of Holy Week, Easter bursts forth in all its glory, radiating joy! The church is adorned with flowers, candles burn brightly, and the light of Christ is in every neighbor’s smile. With full choir, resounding instruments, and the powerful voice of the organ, we lift our Alleluias and hymns to heaven. We hear the story about Jesus’s resurrection, a story of renewal and rebirth, reminding us that through God’s eternal grace, we are made new.


We provide childcare/Sunday School for all services for ages two and up. The ratio is one adult to every four children. The children learn about Jesus and God’s love through projects, discussion, and play. Children will also occasionally participate in church. Children are also welcome to join their family in church. We have tote bags with coloring and fidgets for use during church. All children come to join their families during Communion, and stay with their family until the service is over.


This is the banquet of the Lord. The table we set is the Lord’s. All are welcome, wherever you are on your journey. You are welcome to take Communion/Eucharist.

What to Expect

  • Yes. We have parking spaces for ADA accessibility, and ramps througout the campus for easy access into different spaces.

  • At St. Paul's, we invite everyone, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, to come and learn, ask questions, and open your heart to God's spirit. You need not be Episcopalian to attend and you will be welcomed.

  • Most definitely. We believe in the dignity of every human being, and that God loves all of His children, as so should we. We have an Inclusion Ministry as well.