What We Believe
The Bible
The Bible is central to our faith and worship. Each week, we explore passages from the Old and New Testaments, read a Psalm together, and listen to a Gospel reading. The sermons provide insight on the day's readings, helping us to understand the Scripture more deeply and apply its teachings to our lives. As Episcopalians, we interpret Scripture through the lenses of tradition, reason, and experience.
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) guides our worship, faith, and daily life, uniting us through shared prayers. It is one of the things that unites our diverse church. Much of the Book of Common Prayer is directly derived from the Bible. You’ll find several BCPs in each pew, next to the Holy Bible and the Hymnal.
Baptismal Covenant
The Baptismal Covenant reaffirms our commitment to Jesus Christ and outlines fundamental Christian beliefs and practices. It is a mini-catechism that features five questions about how Christians should live their faith. The Baptismal Covenant is not only used at baptisms, but is used on other baptismal feast days throughout the year.
Catechism (An Outline of the Faith)
An Outline of the faith, commonly called The Catechism, provides a question-and-answer format for understanding the foundational truths of our Christian faith. The Creeds affirm our belief in the one God who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us. Each Sunday’s worship service includes the Nicene Creed.
The Episcopal Church recognizes sacraments beyond baptism and the Eucharist, including confirmation, reconciliation, matrimony, ordination, and unction. More information about each of these can be found in the BCP.
More about Episcopal Beliefs
No matter where you are in your faith journey, The Episcopal Church welcomes you and your questions!